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"10sor network workshop"

作者: Tsuyoshi Okubo — 最終変更 2018年01月09日 10時22分
--- Field 2 x 5 joint workshop on new algorithms for quantum manybody problems ---
日時 2015年05月14日
10時00分 から 18時00分 まで
場所 柏の葉フューチャーセンター
カレンダーに追加 vCal

【Time and Place】

Date: May 14, 2015, Thursday, 10:00 ~ 18:30
Venue: Kashiwa Future Center (Room 108)


New numerical algorithms, such as tensor networks, have been proposed recently, and they are becoming a light of hope among researchers in a broad spectrum of fields, including condensed matter physics, elementary particles theory, quantum chemistry, etc. In this workshop, we scrutinize these numerical techniques, and discuss how they may be improved and how methods developed in a discipline may be used in others.

Information @ Filed 5 web site )




【Invited Speakers】

  • Etsuko Itou (KEK) : "Numerical study on quantum entanglement entropy in 4d SU(3) gauge theories"
  • Shin Nakamura (Chuo University) : "Application of AdS/CFT Correspondence to Non-equilibrium Physics --- Analog Black Holes and Non-equilibrium Steady States ---"
  • Hiroaki Matsueda (Sendai National College of Technology): "Geometric structure of MERA networks: relation to AdS/CFT correspondence"
  • Hana Saito (NIC, DESY Zeuthen) : "Tensor network approach for chiral symmetry restoration of 1-flavor Schwinger model at finite temperature"
  • Shintaro Takayoshi (NIMS, University of Tokyo): "Symmetry protected topological phases in quantum spin systems"
  • Hiroshi Ueda (Meiji University): "Matrix product state in symmetry protected topological phases"


10:00-10:10    Opening ---
10:10-10:40    K. Nagata slide
10:40-11:10    T. Okubo slide
11:10-12:00    E. Itou slide

12:00-13:30    Lunch Break

13:30-14:20    H. Matsueda slide
14:20-15:10    S. Nakamura slide

15:10-15:30    Coffee Break

15:30-16:20    H. Saito slide
16:20-17:10    S. Takayoshi slide

17:10-17:30    Coffee Break

17:30-18:20    H. Ueda slide

18:30-   Conference Dinner (3000 Yen)


  • Sinya Aoki (YITP)
  • Tsuyoshi Okubo (ISSP)
  • Naoki Kawashima (ISSP)
  • Keitaro Nagata (KEK)
  • Shoji Hashimoto (KEK)






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