現在位置: ホーム イベント TCCIのイベント 2/4 超並列 <Registration Form> International Workshop on Massively Parallel Programming Now in Molecular Science

<Registration Form> International Workshop on Massively Parallel Programming Now in Molecular Science



Date:    Tuseday, February 4th, 2014     
Venue:  Sanjo Conference Hall, The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus,
            7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654, Japan

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  • 旅費は、講演者・招待者・CMSI 関係者に対し予算の範囲内で援助いたします。
  • 旅費申請受付け締め切りは2014年1月27日です。(受付を締め切りました)
  • 個人情報は正当な理由なく第三者に開示、譲渡、貸与することは一切ありません。お名前、所属、役職に関しては文科省に提出するHPCI戦略プログラム報告書に記載する場合がございますのでご了承ください。

* The travel and accommodation expenses of CMSI participants could be paid by CMSI as long as the budget allows.
* Closing date of travel and accomodation expense subscription is 27 January, 2014.
* Personal information is to be never disclosed, transferred, rent for a third party without reasonable excuse. But please understand that your name, affiliation, job title may be written on the HPCI strategic program report to be submitted to MEXT.


Profile for registration (日本の方は漢字でご記入ください)
Please input the address of the organization you belong to. If you do not have it, you can input your private address.
of the organization you belong.
Travel Expense Application
includes per-diem
If you need this, you must input your job title.
Bank account registration
Please check if you make travel expense request.



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〒277-8581 千葉県柏市柏の葉 5-1-5  
TEL  04(7136)3279 / FAX  04(7136)3441
email  adm-office[at]cms-initiative.jp


共催: 計算物質科学イニシアティブ(CMSI)、産業技術総合研究所
企画: CMSI産官学連携小委員会