第16回 「京」物性セミナー
作者: admin
2015年11月24日 12時10分
日時 |
2015年11月20日 16時30分 から 17時30分 まで |
場所 | CMSI神戸拠点(理化学研究所・計算科学研究機構・5階501号室) |
連絡先名称 | 計算物質科学イニシアティブ事務局 (神戸拠点) |
カレンダーに追加 |
vCal iCal |
◆ お申込みは不要です。ご興味のある方は、どなたでもご参加下さい。
日時: | 2015年11月20日(金) 16:30-17:30 |
会場: |
理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構 (1Fセミナー室(1階展示ホール横) |
〒650-0047 兵庫県神戸市中央区港島南町7-1-26 |
演者: |
Timothy Ziman |
演題: | Non-linear susceptibilities and skew scattering in the spin Hall effect |
主催: | 計算物質科学イニシアティブ (CMSI) |
リンク先: | https://sites.google.com/site/kcmpseminar/ |
●●● 入構カード●●●
◆ 入構カード(入構証)は必要ありません。玄関から直接セミナー室にお進みください。
Skew scattering of electrons in metals can produce the anomalous and spin Hall effects. The microscopic mechanism is normally considered to be either the intrinsic effect of the crystal lattice or scattering from impurities, with the spin-orbit interaction in each case providing the coupling between the spin and the displacement of the electrons. As this is a relativistic effect, it is weak, and this is one of the obstacles to making and detecting spin currents. An alternative mechanism for skew scattering is from collective spin excitations in cooperatively ordered magnets and I will discuss this, with reference to specific alloys. I will discuss the effects of critical spin fluctuations in a ferromagnetic metal on anomalous and spin Hall effects as have been observed in both ferromagnetic alloys [1,2] and spin glasses [3]. As well as exploring possibilities for skew scattering this may provide probes of novel spin correlations in such materials, as the skewscattering is sensitive to higher order correlation functions than usually measured. I will discuss the relation to non-linear susceptibilities.The theoretical work is in collaboration with Bo Gu and Sadamichi Maekawa, (ASRC, JAEA), Yasuhiro Niimi (U. Osaka), Yoshichika Otani (U. Tokyo), Albert Fert (Thales/CNRS) .[1] D. H. Wei, Y. Niimi, B. Gu, T. Ziman, S. Maekawa, and Y. Otani,' The spin Hall effect as a probe of nonlinear spin fluctuations' Nat. Commun. 3, 1058, (2012).[2] B. Gu, T. Ziman, S. Maekawa, 'Theory of the spin Hall effect, and its inverse, in a ferromagnetic metal near the Curie temperature',Physical Review B 86, 241303(R) (2013).[3] Y. Niimi, M. Kimata, Y. Omori, B. Gu, T. Ziman, S. Maekawa, A. Fert, and Y. Otani , 'Strong Suppression of the Spin Hall Effect in the Spin Glass State', Phys. Rev. Lett., in press (2015).
計算物質科学イニシアティブ事務局 (神戸拠点)
〒650-0047 神戸市中央区港島南町7-1-26 R501
独立行政法人理化学研究所 計算科学研究機構内
東京大学 物性研究所 計算物質科学研究センター 神戸分室
Tel: 078-940-5681
Fax: 078-304-0170
E-mail: adm-kobe@cms-initiative.jp
Webサイト: http://www.cms-initiative.jp/ja/research-support/about-kobe-support